Byerley Park Primary School

Covid Information

Coronavirus – Updates

As you know, we are in turbulent times and operating in uncharted waters. As a school, we know that we are closed for educational purposes for all pupils, except those who are the children of keyworkers, who cannot arrange alternative childcare. As far as we know at this time, there are no confirmed cases of Covid 19 at Byerley Park.

We are following Government guidelines fully. Advice is changing on a regular basis and what may be seen as correct information one day, may have changed by the next day.

We have put a set of links below for parents and carers to follow – advice from Public Health, England and the Department for Education. There is also a list of links to support parents and children with their mental health.

I have also included additional links to other websites, via the form of letters that I have been sending out via Parentpay accounts. Thank you for your understanding at this time.

Mrs Pattison

Head Teacher


COVID-19: guidance for educational settings

Schools COVID-19 operational guidance – GOV.UK (

COVID-19: stay at home guidance

Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection – GOV.UK (

BBC Newsround

Coronavirus: your questions answered

Links to support pupils and staff with anxieties

Anna Freud: Self-Care and Coping Strategies

BBC: How to protect your mental health

CBBC: Video and Questions

ChildMind: Talking to Children

ELSA: Coronavirus Story for Children

School Letters with useful links:

Risk Assessments

Byerley Park School Risk Assessment

Jan 2022 COVID 19 Risk Assessment

August 2021 COVID 19 Risk Assessment

Greenfield Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LE

01325300 598