Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year Two and your last year in Key Stage One! We have a super year a head of us. We will be learning about The Great Fire of London, the hot and cold places of our Earth, the adventures and expeditions of explorers like Neil Armstrong & Felicity Anson and how holidays at the seaside have changed over time. We will also be getting ready for life in Key Stage Two – learning how to ‘join – up’ all of our handwriting and learning some times tables ( 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s & 4s). We work hard in Year 2 but we have a lot of fun on our journey together!
Mrs Dunn
Things To Remember
Reading – Phonics Shed books – Sent out on Mondays. Please return the following Monday.
Bug Club Books – Please return as and when complete.
Spelling Test – Fridays. Words to be learnt are available on EdShed to practice every Friday and will also be in the children’s yellow reading record book.
Homework – Set via Seesaw and available from 4:30pm on Thursdays. To be completed by the following Tuesday.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Greenfield Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LE
01325300 598